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Irish Farmers Lament Over Government’s Plan To Cull Over 200,000 Cows To Meet Climate Emissions, As Politicians Tout Genetically Engineering The Cows



“Reducing dairy or beef production in Ireland will also lead to ‘carbon leakage’ with production moving to other countries with a higher carbon footprint. This is likely to increase global warming rather than reducing it,” said a farmer’s association.

Even though The Netherlands has received most of the attention for planning to cull a massive number of livestock and forcibly sequester farmer’s land, Ireland is doing something similar and plan to cull over 200,000 heads of cattle.

27 nations have all signed a pact under the European Green Deal that pledges to meet arbitrary climate goals by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55% by 2030. The problem is some of these nations are realizing this goal is easier said than done, and are thus looking for ways they claim can reduce such emissions.

The Irish government, similar to that of the Dutch’s, are seriously considering culling around 200,000 cattle in the country over the course of the next three years to help meet these goals, in a country that heavily relies cattle ranching and animal husbandry…


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