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Lockdown Lunacy: Grieving Sons Barred From Consoling Their Mother At Funeral In The UK

By Chris Menahan

From The Daily Caller:

Two grieving sons in England tried to move their chairs next to their grieving mother during the Friday funeral for their father, Alan Wright, but he was reportedly told by a staff member to move back due to coronavirus guidelines.

“I can sit in a restaurant, I can sit in a pub, I can live at her house, I can travel in a limousine to the crematorium with 6,” Craig Bicknell, one of the sons, reportedly wrote in a Facebook post. “I want to give my mum a cuddle at dads funeral and this prick comes flying out aggressively in front of all shouting stop the services and makes us split.”

As the funeral service began at Crownhill Crematorium, Bicknell and his brother began moving their chairs closer to their mother, according to The Telegraph.

A man then rushed into the service frantically waving his arms and reportedly said, “Sorry, sorry, you have to put the chairs back I’m afraid. You can’t move the chairs, you were told,” according to video posted by Bicknell.

These two brothers could go out and join a Black Lives Matter riot and attack police and the authorities wouldn’t even blink an eye.

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