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Lockdowns Show Erosion of US Founding Principles: Jeffrey Tucker

by Masooma Haq and Jan Jekielek

After living through more than two years of extreme pandemic mitigation policies, experts are saying we need answers from the government about why public health officials were allowed to make decisions that damaged peoples’ economic, physical, and mental health.

Jeffrey Tucker, author and president of the Brownstone Institute, said it will take years to have a complete picture of why agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) officials, including top White House pandemic adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, were allowed to make decisions that are contrary to established pandemic response policies.

Discussing the decision handed down by U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle opposing the CDC’s mask mandate for airplanes and other public transport, Fauci told CNN on April 21: “We are concerned about that—about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally public health decisions. I mean, this is a CDC issue; it should not be a court issue.”…

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