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Matt Walsh sets troll level to 11,000 with Cortes Tweet

By Aaron Walker 

Yeah, you can’t get much more trollish than this:

But is he right? No, but it is a bit of a useful antidote to some of the nonsense we have been hearing for a while about Native Americans. For a long time, it is fair to say Native Americans were stereotyped as nothing but savages. This wasn’t true and it motivated a lot of pretty evil behavior, so the pendulum swung the other way, so people would pretend that they were in fact angels, deeply in touch with the land and peaceful, and other nonsense. Now, it seems the pendulum is finding its way more toward a ‘middle’ of recognizing that the Native Americans were simply human. This meant they were not peaceful, but typically no more warlike than other races. Some were very sophisticated, some were not, some were good but, occasionally, some were downright evil.

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