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NC Lieutenant Governor Destroys Media Outlet Over Racist Hypocrisy

by Jared Dyson

Charlotte, NC — On Tuesday, the NC Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson held a press conference where he took offense with a recent cartoon by a local media outlet. WRAL in Raleigh released the cartoon which depicted members of the NC GOP as KKK members with their recent attacks on the NC school curriculum. Robinson did not like it one bit.

Robinson, the state’s first Black Lieutenant Governor, said that the cartoon was hypocrisy against GOP members of the NC Council of State who were minorities themselves. He said that running such a cartoon during Black History Month was an absolute disgrace. You can view his comments in the video below.

Robinson’s statements are completely correct. He said that this cannot be tolerated, but media outlets around NC do not seem to support his side of events.

The Raleigh News & Observer immediately went on to criticize Robinson for statements on his own social media pages. They called his statements anti-Semitic, homophobic, and anti-Muslim.

WRAL responded to Robinson’s comments to say that the cartoon was full of hyperbole and satire. He said that it was meant to draw attention to the attempt of GOP members to wipe racist history away from the state’s social studies curriculum.

Robinson has been vocal about the school curriculum recently. Robinson said that schools should be teaching children how to think, not what to think. He supported his statement by attacking a recent proposal where a stated objective of the school curriculum was to “explain how individual values and societal norms contribute to institutional discrimination and the marginalization of minority groups living under the American system of government.”

By now, everyone is aware that the terms for institutional discrimination and marginalization of minority groups are simply talking points of the Left. The Left wants you to believe that systemic racism is real and that we need to acknowledge America’s racist past in order to move on. Other suggestions have been things like reparations for slavery, which are absolutely ridiculous.

While WRAL can claim that the attempt is not to call these members KKK members, it’s hard to argue with the image. It depicts a KKK member, with GOP tagging on the white gown and an elephant underneath. That clearly is depicting them as racists. Robinson is a member of the State School Board as Lt. Governor.

Media outlets want to claim to be the morality police, then they do something that is absolutely sickening like this. When called out, they start to attack the character of Robinson and make excuses for their actions. This is simply another sickening display of a media outlet that has no morals trying to garner some attention.

Jared Dyson is the Editor-in-Chief at The Liberty Loft and host of The Jared Dyson Show. Be sure to subscribe to The Liberty Loft’s daily newsletter. If you enjoy our content, please consider donating to support The Liberty Loft so we can continue to deliver great content.


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