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Now The Public Health Dictators Want You Masked in Your Own Home


Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity
 and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

Santa Cruz California Issues Mask Mandate for Private Residences

Now that another COVID variant has emerged with a scary new name, governments are excited to flex their dictatorial COVID powers once again.

Santa Cruz County, California is back with an indoor mask mandate, but this time with a twist.

The public health order states that in addition to public places like restaurants and gyms:

“Masks must be worn in private settings, including your home, when non-household members are present.”

And yes, this applies to the fully vaccinated.

It’s hard to imagine that this order is legal or how local authorities will be able to enforce the rule.

The sheer insanity is that these bureaucrats think they have this kind of power to begin with…


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