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Obama Artist Kehinde Wiley Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Man

By Tim Brown


The sodomites seem to follow that old adage of “birds of a feather…”  The latest is that known criminal, sodomite and usurper Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah had a ridiculously creepy picture painted of himself by Kehinde Wiley.  Now, an artist has come forward and alleged that Wiley sexually assaulted him.

CNN, of all places, reports:

Kehinde Wiley, the American artist best known for painting former US President Barack Obama’s official portrait, has denied accusations of sexual assault.

In an Instagram post shared Sunday, British-Ghanaian artist and curator Joseph Awuah-Darko alleged Wiley sexually assaulted him twice in 2021. Awuah-Darko said the first incident occurred on June 9, 2021, at a dinner held at the Noldor Artist Residency in Ghana, to celebrate Wiley’s work. Awuah-Darko is the founder and chairman of the Accra-based program.

In the post, he claimed he was “inappropriately groped” by Wiley, in front of another guest, and that the action was “unwelcome and unprovoked.” He then described a second incident that day as “much more severe and violent,” without elaborating further…



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