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Ohio Has a Warning for Joe Biden

By Sarah Arnold 


President Joe Biden’s candidacy is on the line in Ohio after Secretary of State Frank LaRose issued a warning that the commander-in-chief is on track to miss the state’s deadline for filing as a candidate.

According to current Ohio law, state officials must certify the ballot on August 7.– 90 days before the election. However, Biden won’t be nominated until the Democratic National Convention on August 19.

LaRose said the Democratic Party has not yet offered a solution to the issue that coincides with the state’s law. 

“I write to inform you that my office still has not received communication on behalf of the Ohio Democratic Party or the Democratic National Committee that clarifies the party’s intent to comply with Ohio’s ballot access deadline,” LaRose wrote in a letter addressed to Liz Walters, the Chairwoman of the Ohio Democratic Party.

LaRose insisted that it is not his choice to exclude Biden from the Ohio ballot, but he said he must adhere to the law. He blamed the issue on a conflict created by the Democratic Party, which has “No legally acceptable remedy.” 

I’ve said from here to Colorado that it’s in the best interest of voters to have a choice in the race for president. I’m also duty-bound to follow the law as Ohio’s chief elections officer,” he continued…



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