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One Summer Sports Tradition Refuses to Play Gender Games


We live in an age of nomenclature nonsense, where leftists think that the solution to so many problems is to just rename things. Take the “ball boys” and “ball girls” at tennis tournaments, for example. Those terms are passé because they’re gender-specific, which we all know just won’t do in our enlightened world.

The Australian Open and French Open have taken to calling their ball boys and ball girls “ball kids,” which is a stupid moniker. The U.S. Open refers to its ball boys and ball girls as the “ball crew,” which isn’t quite as bad.

Granted, they’re mostly teenagers, but these boys and girls undergo rigorous training to retrieve balls from the tennis courts and otherwise stay out of the way. The ball boys and ball girls at this year’s upcoming Wimbledon tournament are no exception.

“Wimbledon prides itself on having what it sees as the best in the business, with ball boys first introduced in 1920,” reports the Daily Mail. “They go the extra mile to ensure things run smoothly and do not have an easy job. In the past, they have been berated by players, hit in the head by loose strikes from the likes of Roger Federer, and fainted in the heat.”

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