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Photo of Malia Obama’s Credit Card Next to What Appears to be Cocaine Released Amid Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal

Amid the continuing info-dump from Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop, GNews has released what appears to be photos of former President Barack Obama’s daughter, Malia Obama’s credit card with what is being claimed to be lines of cocaine.

The images are said to have originated from Hunter Biden’s laptop, and clearly show Malia Obama’s name on the credit card.

In recent leaks, a snapshot of what is possibly Hunter Biden’s computer shows what some are claiming to be Malia Obama, but images are too blurry to make out.


Hunter Biden’s laptop continues to shed light onto the shady under dealings of the Obama/Biden presidency, including sexual deviance, drugs, bribery and threats of violence. The recent leaks regarding Malia Obama are only a fraction of what is being reported as the first of over 1,000 videos and photographs to come.


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