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Poverty Stricken New York City Now Selling Rotisserie Rats And Frozen Guinea Pigs For Food

Poverty Stricken New York City Now Selling Rotisserie Rats And Frozen Guinea Pigs For Food
Poverty Stricken New York City Now Selling Rotisserie Rats And Frozen Guinea Pigs For Food


by Jacob M. Thompson


New eyewitness evidence from citizens in New York City reveals that inhabitants are now eating rodents like rats and guinea pigs.

New York City reportedly has a serious rat infestation ranking second in the entire nation. New York state cities such as Albany, Syracuse, and Buffalo also cracked pest control company Orkin’s list of rattiest places in the U.S. Chicago, Illinois lays claim to having the rattiest city in the country.

In October of the city of New York declared that they will be attempting to reduce their rat infestation problem, declaring that “rats are not our friends.”




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