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Prominent American Muslim Declares: ‘We Are On The Road To The White House’

By  Tim Brown 


America has failed to uphold the commands, statutes and judgments of God (Deuteronomy 6) and has departed wickedly from her God.  As a result, foreigners are coming in and getting high about the natives here just as the LORD warned in Deuteronomy 28.  Now, a prominent Muslim and Arab community leader in Dearborn, Michigan, Osama Siblani, claims that Muslims are on the road to the White House.

This really should come as no shock to many as we have watched them take over entire cities, as well as infiltrate the US Congress and other state houses around the country.

RAIR Foundation reports:

Osama Siblani declares the Arab-American community’s unstoppable ascent to political dominance in the U.S., aiming for control from local towns to the White House.

In a recent address on May 10, 2024, at the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan, Osama Siblani, the radical editor and publisher of The Arab-American News, declared the Arab-American community’s growing influence in the United States. Speaking at a terror-tied dinner hosted by the Lebanese International Business Council, Siblani proudly asserted, “Forty years ago, we had a mayor for this town who talked about the Arab problem. Guess what? The Arabs are ruling Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and Hamtramck.”

The Shift in Demographics and Politics

This proclamation marks a significant shift in the demographic and political landscape of these Islamized American cities, which have seen a substantial influx of Arab and Muslim immigrants over the past few decades. What was once a warning of an “Arab problem” has turned into a reality of Arab leadership and governance in these areas…



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