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Radical Muslims Who Raise Funds for Ilhan Omar Demand the Overturning of Texas Refugee Ban

These groups want dangerous refugees resettled into the U.S

Ten pro-refugee groups, led by the infamous Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), are calling for the year-long ban on refugee resettlement in Texas to be overturned.

“Today, we have a large multifaith, multicultural group of people coming together … to stand united to let the world know that Texas welcomes refugees of all backgrounds,” said Faizan Syed, executive director of the Texas DFW chapter of CAIR, during last week’s joint press conference.

“And that we unequivocally condemn and stand against the governor’s decision to not allow refugees to come to our great state,” he added.

These left-wing organizations publicly proclaimed that diversity is our strength, and the flooding of Texas with potentially dangerous third-world refugees must continue.

“One of the guiding principles of our founding fathers, a moral imperative and the framework of our nation was to ensure that the United States be a country of refuge. That’s who we are, that’s what our country stands for,” said Laila Whitman Rumsey, director of the Dallas chapter of the Muslim American Society’s Public Affairs and Civic Engagement division.

“Welcoming refugees gives us a more perfect union, promotes our general welfare and secures the blessing of liberty for ourselves and our posterity,” she added.

“Those passengers on the Mayflower were escaping religious persecution much like today’s refugees and immigrants. Now what does that say about us?” said Leroy Peña, the national director of the Red Handed Warrior Society.


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