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School Board Recall Attempts Surge in 2021 Amid COVID Closures & CRT Fears

School board recalls, the process of removing a member or members of a school board from office through a petitioned election, have surged this summer to record-highs as schools are caught in the crosshairs of culture wars.

Many issues have parents across the country in an uproar, such as critical race theory (CRT), virus restrictions, and transgender rights. School officials have found themselves bombarded by angry parents who say CRT is poisoning the minds of their kids. In response, school board recall efforts are sweeping the country.

So far, 58 recall efforts against 144 board members have taken place in 2021, a record high dating back to 2009.

Ballotpedia lists most of the recall efforts as “underway.” Some have been followed by “did not go to vote.” Only one school board member has been removed this year. Here’s a partial list:

The table provides a breakdown of how many officials were targeted and recalled and includes the recall success rate for each year. This year’s rate has yet to be determined.

The growing trend in recall efforts is expected to increase as grassroots efforts by parents and teachers are popping up all across the country. They are absolutely sick of school boards pushing a politicized curriculum that is dividing the county.

A non-partisan effort to recall the Loudoun County School Board in Ashburn, Virginia, called “Fight For Schools” is underway.

Even teachers have had enough of the liberal’s force-feeding children garbage at their most critical learning stages in life.

Here’s a Loudoun teacher quitting in front of the school board because she doesn’t believe in CRT.

Here’s another recall to replace the school board of Fairfax County Public Schools.

Ballotpedia shows the hotbed for recalls is California, with over 22 this year.

Besides CRT, parents are also up in arms about virus restrictions at schools. Listen to this San Diegonian parent who spits truth bombs about COVID to the local school board.

This parent is furious.

While most recalls are underway, some have failed. However, the trend appears to be growing as parents wake up to the liberal madness of CRT being embedded into curriculums and how it’s poisoning the youth’s minds by advocating for more division.

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