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Steve Scalise BLASTS Dems on House floor, exposes ALL of them as authoritarians and socialists (Video)

(NationalSentinel) In the summer of 2017, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) nearly lost his life.

He was gunned down by a Bernie Sanders-supporting Left-wing lunatic on a ball field early one morning near Washington, D.C. and left for dead.

But he survived, thank God, while the shithead Lefty paid with his life. Good trade.

We’re all better off for that because Scalise is a tireless champion of the Constitution, of our founding principles, and of liberty and freedom.

And he doesn’t like what he sees across the aisle.

Democrats have become the American version of Soviet Communists and Marxists. When Barack Obama said he wanted to “fundamentally transform” our country, this is what he was talking about.

Scalise is a big-balls Republican who couldn’t be killed and who won’t sit down and shut up. He took to the House floor this week and blasted his commie “colleagues.”


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