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The horrifying downfall of higher education and what it means for society

By  J. KB

Ohio State University Starts OnlyFans Seminar

Are you working hard or hardly working? That’s the question to ask yourself if you’ve enrolled in Ohio State University’s OnlyFans seminar, which encourages students to get informed and involved in the world of online sex work as a part of OSU’s Sex Week (designed to promote safe and healthy sexual habits).

We think this is a great idea to get curious students more informed on the world of sex work and how they can possibly make some extra money. We just hope the students are okay with possibly seeing their classmates, um, reveal it all. That sounds like it might be a little awkward.

Sarcastic me says “at least the college is teaching money making life skills.”

But that sardonic honestly reveals just how fucked up society has become.

Forget jobs with honor and dignity that benefit society.  That notion from ancient philosophy (the Greeks, Romans, ancient Jewish sages, Christian philosophers, all wrote about the idea of dignity through good work and being a productive citizen), that’s obsolete.

All that matters today is fame and money so why not learn how to properly light your asshole when you shove a cucumber in it in front of a Webcam for thousands of paying subscribers.

We are in the end stages of civilization, indulging in decadence before our inevitable collapse.


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