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The Rapture Has Become The Object Of Scorn In Many Churches. What Lies Behind The Scoffing?

One of my favorite Peanuts cartoons pictures a troubled Charlie Brown seeking Lucy’s five cent psychiatric help. After Lucy provides several cautions about worrying, she says, “If you have to worry, you should worry about this very moment.”

In response, a puzzled Charlie Brown asks, “This moment? Why this moment?” It’s then that a soccer ball comes flying through the air, bonks him in the head, and sends him flying to the ground.

Lucy then explains her diagnosis, “I saw this ball heading this way, see, and . . .”

In his second letter, the Apostle Peter warns us about people who, unlike Lucy, fail to properly diagnose the moment in which they live. They see the same signs of the approaching Tribulation that we do but interpret them far differently. Not only do they reject our diagnosis, but they also ridicule our hope…


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