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The Spiritual Effects of Electricity + 6 Ways to Elevate at Night

By Obara Meji

Fire is mysterious. No one knows exactly where it comes from. Yes, rub two sticks or stones together and the friction (the force that resists motion between two surfaces) can create a spark which will cause fire, does that explain its origin?

Friction is what creates the spark which produces the fire, but where does fire really come from? One day we will really explore fire from a spiritual perspective, hopefully we all will be able to have the conversation intellectually and spiritually.

There are many topics I have been praying and hoping I can discuss on the blog, but I have held myself back because I did not want to fly above your heads. Yes, I know you all know about duppies (ghosts), obeah and such delights, but I have wanted to delve deeper and further. I tested the waters with you some time back, with a wonderful post of Rudolf Steiner, someone whose mind I admire, but many people complained that it was “too long” and “too much for them to read.”

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