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The US Plan To Make Ukraine Into Europe’s ‘Big Israel’

By Tim Brown 


Knowing the history of how modern-day Israel came into being and under questionable circumstances, aided by Dispensationalist Christians and the United Nations, I am always interested in the expansion of the antichrist state of Israel.  And lo and behold, there has been much talk about Ukraine becoming the “new Jerusalem” and “new Jewish state.”  Whether that is so or not, I will leave it up to the reader.   However, a dire warning has been issued as to the US plan to make Ukraine into Europe’s “Big Israel.”

Zero Hedge has the story.

In his famous anti-Vietnam War speech, the late senator from South Dakota George McGovern told fellow Congressional leaders, “This chamber reeks of blood.” On Saturday, journalist Max Blumenthal opened a hard-hitting talk at the Ron Paul Institute’s “Which Way America…?” conference in D.C. by quoting those words, but applied them to the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine…


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