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Thousands of babies survive abortions each year. The abortion industry wants to erase their existence

By David Bjornstrom

(LifeSiteNews) – We have all seen the murder movies where the intended victim just won’t die. We are seeing it again as the abortion industry tries to deal with its live-birth problem, known to abortionists as “the dreaded complication.”

The abortion industry is pushing for legislation that could protect it from lawsuits or criminal prosecution if the baby dies or is killed after surviving a botched abortion, or for the baby’s injuries if he or she does not die. Colorado, California, and Michigan passed laws this year under the guise of “reproductive health care” that seem to allow the killing or withholding of postnatal medical treatment from born-alive abortion survivors. The death of the child or any injuries from an unsuccessful abortion are euphemistically called a “pregnancy outcome.”

The federal government is no help, as Congress refuses to pass a law protecting born-alive abortion survivors…

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