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Trump Health UPDATE: President Trump’s Medical Team ‘Extremely Happy’ With Progress

Posted by Fuzzy Slippers


“Dr. Sean Dooley says Pres. Trump ‘is in exceptionally good spirits’ and told doctors he felt like he ‘could walk out of here today’

President Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 approximately 72 hours ago, and on Friday, he was moved to Walter Reed in “an abundance of caution,” reports said.

Saturday morning, Trump’s medical team held a presser in which they assured the nation that the president is doing well and the team is “extremely happy” with his progress.

Dr. Sean Conley, the White House physician, does note that days seven through ten will be most critical in determining the likely course of the president’s illness.

As of now, however, the president is in good spirits, walking around, asking the right questions, and very involved in his care and recovery.

Here are some highlights (you can watch the full presser below):

Watch the whole thing:



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