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Were the Pfizer ‘Vaccines’ Approved Because They Establish a Perpetual Need for Booster Shots?

by Patriot Editor

The numbers show they don’t work at actually stopping Covid-19. That seems to be the point of approving them.

The FDA’s approval of the Pfizer “vaccine” for Americans over the age of 16 drew questions from many, even those who support distribution of the vaccines. Pfizer’s drug has performed the worst against the Delta Variant, especially compared to Moderna. Moreover, the “protection” from the drug against all variants of Covid-19 appears to wane after around 6-months.

And perhaps that’s the point. Pfizer is primed to be the main distributor of the so-called “booster” shots with the infrastructure in place to offer them to a large chunk of the world’s population at intervals of three to six months. As odd as it may seem to those of us who want to see a return to normal rather than the “new normal” they seem to be creating around us, it makes perfect sense to both the indoctrinators and the indoctrinated. Apparently, those of us who do not fall into either category are in the minority.

According to an article in The Daily Beast that highlighted the failures of the Pfizer injections in Israel, there has been a peculiar disconnect from reality. While many of us see the need for booster shots so soon after the initial double-dose as a clear negative, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually took the news as a positive. Seriously.

According to the article:

By mid-July, Sheba Hospital Professor Galia Rahav began to experiment with booster shots for oncology patients, transplant patients, and the hospital’s own staff. A group of 70 elderly vaccinated Israelis with transplanted kidneys were the first to receive a third dose.

The success of Rahav’s trials in boosting immunity at about the sixth-month mark contributed to the Centers for Disease Control decision, announced last week, to begin offering booster shots to Americans in September.

The fact that the CDC and FDA are favoring the Pfizer drug despite it having lower overall effectiveness against Covid-19 should raise alarm bells. In fact, it should terrify anyone who has received the Pfizer jabs because it seems their best value in the eyes of the powers-that-be is that Pfizer’s “vaccines” promise a need for indefinite booster shots. It’s not like an actual vaccine in which permanent immunity is established in one or two treatments. With Covid-19, the Pfizer shot is the ticket to perpetual boosting.

If that’s the quality the powers-that-be seek, what could their actual motivations be? Some of us have turned towards conspiracy theories today even if we didn’t believe them in the past because the “vaccines” have made us question the motives of those supposedly leading us. Governments across the world are turning to mandates as their preferred societal existence. This seems to be less about making us medically well and more about keeping constant control over the population.

It’s The Great Reset emerging before our eyes, and it seems that “depopulation,” that scary word used by conspiracy theorists for years, may be part of the agenda.

That’s where Pfizer comes in. They may have the worst track record for stopping Covid-19, but they have the best track record in the eyes of the elites who envision a populace beholden to government and their Big Pharma cronies. Anyone who wants to continue to be “protected” during this and future episodes of Pandemic Panic Theater need to boost, boost, and boost. If we’re supposed to take Pfizer jabs two or three (or more) times per year just to stay up-to-date against the latest manufactured variants, then we are defeated as a people and are therefore easier to keep in compliance with government diktats.

Israel is already heading in that direction thanks to their wholehearted embrace of the Pfizer jabs. According to The Daily Beast:

In order to keep severe illness and the number of COVID deaths down, and avoiding a fourth national lockdown, Israel has embarked on an aggressive effort to provide all adults with boosters in a matter of weeks.

As of this week, all Israelis over 30 will be eligible to receive booster shots. By the end of the month, they are expected to be universally available to anyone over the age of 12 who received their second vaccine five months or more ago.

Israel will then reconfigure its Green Passports, granting them only to the triple-vaccinated, and limiting their validity to six months. In anticipation of this change, the number of unvaccinated Israelis getting their first shots has tripled since the beginning of August.

It’s easy to dismiss the Israel data because nobody in mainstream media is talking about it. Kudos to leftist publication The Daily Beast for breaking from their standard vaccine-pushing agenda to report this particular truth. They didn’t even inject (pun intended) too much pro-vaccine propaganda into the report.

This needs to be seen for what it is. Israel is a crystal clear example that the Pfizer vaccine doesn’t work. They have 80% of their eligible population inoculated with the vast majority of them on the ongoing Pfizer shot regiment. Despite this fact, they experienced their second-highest surge in cases on Tuesday. What sort of delusion does it require to see this data and still believe the Pfizer jabs — or any of the “vaccines” for that matter — should be FDA approved and pushed tenaciously to the masses?

Pfizer’s jab was picked first for FDA approval because it has performed well. It doesn’t perform well at stopping Covid-19, but it meets the needs of the powers-that-be to force people into a lifetime of compliance.


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