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What Experts Are Saying About 5G Radiation

Along with the research, hundreds of letters have been sent by scientists, doctors, and researchers, to organizations around the world calling for a halt to the rollout of 5g.

A group of over 250 scientists from around the world in 2017 wrote and published a declaration called the “5G Appeal” asking for a moratorium on the building of 5G infrastructure. This was a followup to a previous letter sent to the United Nations with a similar request.

They said in part:

“We recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry
RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

You can read the entire published appeal here.

A few other notable comments made by experts (thanks to for putting these together)

“There is a substantial body of evidence that this technology is harmful to humans and the environment. The 5G millimeter wave is known to heat the eyes, skin, and testes
 Of particular concern are the most vulnerable among us — the unborn, children, the infirm, the elderly and the disabled. It is also expected that populations of bees and birds will drastically decline.” –Letter from oncologist Lennart Hardell MD & Colleagues

“A growing body of scientific literature documents evidence of nonthermal cellular damage from non-ionizing wireless radiation used in telecommunications. This RF EMR has been shown to cause an array of adverse effects on DNA integrity, cellular membranes, gene expression, protein synthesis, neuronal function, the blood-brain barrier, melatonin production, sperm damage, and immune dysfunction”. –Dr. Cindy Russell 2018 paper entitled “5 G wireless telecommunications expansion: Public health and environmental implications.” 

“This is a unique situation in the history of the humankind when the whole human population will be exposed to man-made devices emitting non-ionizing radiation that was insufficiently tested before deployment. What is and what will be the responsibility of the scientists, decision-makers and industry leaders who permit deployment of insufficiently tested technology that will affect us all? The answer is simple – no responsibility
 because if any health problems will show up in the future, these will most likely take tens of years of time to manifest and, by then the persons that currently enable deployment of insufficiently tested radiation-emitting 5G technology will be retired or the proverbial ‘six feet under.’” -Dr. Darius Leszczynski, July 18th, 2018 in Assumption of Safety for 5G by Government Agencies, No Science.  



  1. Methos Methos January 8, 2020

    I remember in school in the 1060’s everyone was concerned about the radiation from all the radio stations and TV stations bombarding our bodies 24/7. Eventually everyone just forgot about it. Now there’s cell phone tower and cell phone radiation, now there’s WIFI just about everywhere. Now 5G is rolling out no matter what. So what’s different since the 1940’s when there just wasn’t much RF going around? Now we have an explosion of cancer, mental illness, mass shootings and the scourge of “liberalism” sliding us down the drain of collectivism.

  2. jeff lee jeff lee January 9, 2020

    I agree Methos from the air the water and our food we are being played .
    knowing that we are paying these corporations to poison us and whats worse is our elected officials turn a blind eye (or worse) willfully allow it i is maddening .
    i wish i had taken the ( BLUE PILL )

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