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Why Do Some Mistrust the Vaccines?

Why Do Some Mistrust the Vaccines?
Why Do Some Mistrust the Vaccines?



Declining a covid vaccination is now seen by many as anti-social, and a threat to the community. I don’t understand this, since anyone who chooses to be vaccinated can thereby protect himself. What difference does it make to him if someone else prefers to take whatever risk is posed by covid? But that is not the prevailing attitude, and the Biden administration is trying to stamp out all expressions of doubt about vaccination on social media.

As noted here, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were themselves the most prominent of anti-vaxxers, and if some people took their skepticism too seriously, they have only themselves to blame. But there is more: Drew Holden did an excellent job, back in November 2020, of reminding us that anti-vaccine sentiment was widespread on the Left right up to the 2020 election:

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