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$600 Million Terrorist Money Trail That Leads Straight to Barack Obama

In January 2009, after Barack Obama was inaugurated the 44th President of the United States, he pulled the U.S. troops out of Iraq. By taking that action, Obama basically allowed Iran take over Iraq without any hesitation. Obama’s withdrawal order left another 500 American soldiers dead with hundreds of others seriously wounded.

During the Obama years in the White House, the two Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton (2009-2013) and John Kerry (2013-2017), both helped Obama to create a strategy for negotiating with Iran officials directly, especially about their pursuit of building a nuclear weapon and a delivery system that could reach Israel and eventually the U.S. mainland..

Hillary was a major factor in the deal. CIA analysts had anonymously stated: “The nuclear deal sought by Obama, and his administration’s defense of it was full of deceptions and dishonesty.”

Many believe the upper-echelon team at the White House and within the nation’s newsrooms were aware that the Obama Administration leaked fake reports to the media in order to applaud the horrid deal that they had made. What’s more, the Obama Administration provided $150 Billion in sanctions relief directly to Iran. There was one thing that wasn’t included in the deal. They never even mentioned to Iran anything about them attempting to gain nuclear bomb capabilities. Iran’s Superior Leader Ayatollah Khomeini during one of his televised speeches actually boasted about how afraid the U.S. was that they would fail in negotiations and U.S. diplomats would return home with no Iranian promises about nuclear weapons and funding terrorists.

After all of this nonsense, on January 17th, 2016, the Obama Administration covertly sent $400 million to Iran. In an unmarked cargo plane loaded in currency, Obama ordered that the money be exchanged for four Americans being held captive by Iran. Something is wrong with this picture. We shouldn’t have to pay the bad guys to give our citizens back.

Another major issue with this exchange, Obama approved the release of seven Iranian terrorists who were being held captive by the U.S.   Obama’s lying-self claimed that the money wasn’t ransom money
 even though we all knew that it was. Later, the State Department made Obama out to be the liar he is when they confirmed that the money was, indeed, ransom money. On top of that, $1.3 BILLION more was given to Iran, for no apparent reason except because Obama wanted to help the Iranians.

To make the story even more ridiculous, Jewish News Service Yeshiva released a report explaining exactly where the money went that Obama had sent. It went right to a terrorist group, Hezbollah which is arguably the most heavily armed and powerful Islamic terrorist organization in the world.


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