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Those who speculated about Putin’s health may have been correct

by Andrea Widburg

Even before the Ukraine war began, people were speculating that something was physically wrong with Putin.  He looked puffy, not as if he’d gained weight, but as if he were reacting to medicines.  Speculation escalated with recent videos showing him clutching a table and with a badly shaking hand.  Now The Sun, a British tabloid, is claiming that Putin is going under the knife for a cancer operation, as well as suffering from Parkinson’s.

As early as January 3, Britain’s Telegraph paper was suggesting that Putin is seriously ill.  The five pieces of evidence it reported were his puffy face; the excessive distance Putin kept from people, as evidenced by the long table between him and France’s Macron, a possible sign of a weakened immune system; intelligence reports such as one that Marco Rubio alluded to, saying something was off about Putin; a Russian academic’s claims that Putin has both cancer and Parkinson’s; and Putin’s sudden desire to force a conclusion over his claims about Ukraine, a possible sign that he wants the matter resolved before imminent retirement or death…

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