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Jerusalem Recognition Stems From JFK’s Murder

By Henry Makow



On November 20,1963, the US delegation at the UN 
called for the right of displaced Palestinian Arabs 
to return to their homes in Israel and for those 
who chose not to return, to be compensated. Nothing came
of that or of Kennedy’s opposition to Israel acquiring nuclear weapons.
A direct line runs from JFK’s assassination Nov 23, 1963, through the
Israeli attack on the USS Liberty to Israel’s role in 9-11
to Netanyahu’s 26 standing ovations from Congress in 2015 to Trump’s decision Wednesday likely influenced by Mossad sexual blackmail.
According to Michael Collins Piper, the Mossad likely played a decisive role 
in Kennedy’s murder. Connect the dots folks. The US has been hijacked.
Americans are the bitches of the central banking cartel 
who use Zionism as their instrument. Like Communism, Zionism is
a part of Freemasonry (Cabalism, Satanism).  Below, The American 
Chronicle elaborates on Piper’s findings. 
(abridged by 
We have long maintained that it took a village to murder the president, but the work of Michael Collins Piper distills the motive of the crime and its origins in Israel and with leading Zionists in the United States and Canada.


Although the final act which sealed Kennedy’s death was his refusal to permit Israel nuclear weapons, he was a marked man from his inauguration when he was forced to accept Lyndon Baines Johnson as his Vice President. Johnson’s grandmother was Jewish which, according to modern Jewish law, makes the child a Jew. Johnson spent time in the 1940’s smuggling arms into Palestine for the incipient Jewish state and aided their illegal importation into the United States in the 1930s…
The gauntlet against Kennedy was thrown down on June 26, 1963, when David Ben-Gurion resigned from office in protest over Kennedy’s refusal to grant nuclear technologies to the terrorist state of Israel. Wikipedia claims that Ben-Gurion resigned for “personal reasons” but only a shill would accept such statement. Ben-Gurion’s very dramatic action was a signal to complete the operation to murder Kennedy.
Some authors such as Jim Marrs have protested Jewish involvement in the murder because the State of Israel supposedly lacked the ability to reach beyond its borders in 1963, but he misses the point entirely. The State of Israel is international and transnational – a lawless state which knows no borders. Thus it could rely upon very powerful Zionists in the United States and Canada to do its bidding. The Diaspora is the State of Israel, of which Israel is but a mere doormat.


Israel is a Rothschild colony, but the state is Rothschild aided by many courtiers who fulfill its master’s whims. Prominent Jewish names involved in the murder, both great and small, include Theodore Racoosin, Henry Crown, Louis Bloomfield, James Jesus Angleton (non-Jew), Lyndon Johnson, Abraham Zapruder, Sam Bloom, Edgar Bronfman, Julius Schweppes, Clay Shaw (non-Jew?), Jack Ruby, Arlen Specter, Walter Rostow, Eugene Rostow, Meyer Lansky, Frank Sturgis, and more.
The primary agencies through which these Jews worked were Permindex, CIA, and Citizens Council of Dallas. Clay Shaw, the subject of Jim Garrison’s prosecution, was the homosexual board member of Permindex who operated the World Trade Mart in New Orleans, and whose defense was funded by the wealthy Jewish Stern family of New Orleans. Permindex was the topmost authority in the murder, using Caribbean locations to hold very high-level planning sessions of which Shaw was a part.
CIA’s James Angleton, in addition to being head of counterintelligence, a job at which he “failed’ miserably, was also head of the Mossad desk. Israel erected a bronze statue of him after his death in recognition of his many contributions to the Jewish/Rothschild state…


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