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RECEIPTS PROVIDED: Email Exchange Reveals Thuggery of Gavin Newsom’s Chief of Staff

By Jennifer Van Laar 


As bad as crime has been in California over the past 10 years, it’s been increasing at a frightening pace over the last year as soft-on-crime district attorneys refuse to admit that their coddling of repeat violent criminals doesn’t work – and Saturday night’s armed robbery of a Secret Service agent who’d just been working on President Biden’s detail is the perfect example.

If you thought that the state’s Democrat governor, Gavin Newsom, might actually care about keeping families safe in his state, the email chain obtained Monday by CBS California between Newsom’s chief of staff and the head of the California District Attorney’s Association will disabuse you of that silly notion.

Newsom, who has presidential aspirations (despite repeated denials), has been making those attempts to look as if he’s trying to do something about the problem. However, he is a true believer in “justice reform” and one of the architects (along with then-San Francisco DA George GascĂČn) of 2014’s Prop 47, which caused the problem to start with, so he can’t support any attempts to repeal or “fix” Prop 47 without admitting that his genius ideas didn’t work. Apparently, Newsom doesn’t realize that one sign of intellectual and emotional maturity is the ability to recognize and admit when one is wrong or that one’s idea didn’t work.

And that’s why he is pulling out all of the stops to derail The Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act, a proposition that recently qualified for the November 2024 ballot and aims to fix Prop 47.

Newsom’s administration, along with Democrat supermajority leaders in Sacramento, have drafted a slate of supposed public safety bills that are going through the legislative process with the aim of confusing voters so they’ll think that the initiative isn’t needed…


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