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AOC Freaks the Freak out Over Criticism of Her Vacationing in Florida

By Bonchie


Democrats will rarely tell you the truth, but they will usually show you who they are with their actions. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a perfect example of that as she currently vacations in the free state of Florida during her home state of New York’s biggest COVID wave of the pandemic. Again, the elites are nowhere near as scared of COVID as they demand you be.

As RedState reported this morning, pictures surfaced of the Democrat congresswoman kicking back in Miami with her boyfriend. But while that wouldn’t necessarily be noteworthy on its own, AOC’s past statements have made it so because, as it turns out, she’s a raging hypocrite.

You may recall that she was one of the Democrats taking shots at Ted Cruz for flying his daughters down to Cancun during Texas’ ice storm earlier this year. Of course, a US senator has no control over his state’s disaster response, but Cruz took his lumps anyway, including from those on the right who never miss a chance to hit their own.


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