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Apprehensions Triple at Northern Border Crossing In Washington

By Border Hawk


Most of the time, when we discuss U.S. border problems, we’re talking about our southern border with Mexico.

After all, that’s the frontier with most of the problems.

However, as part of the Biden Border Invasion, we now have more crossings of the Canadian border than before.

I recently crossed the Canadian border in both directions during a road trip with my wife and son.

As part of that journey, we spent some time in the beautiful Canadian province of British Columbia.

We crossed the northern border at the Peace Arch in Washington.

Before going across, we stopped at the Peace Arch Park.

There I spoke to a Border Patrol agent who was quite friendly and informative.

I asked the agent if there was much action there, and he told me that apprehensions have tripled.

There are also sketchy things going on with “refugees.”

For example, South Asian “refugees” who had already gotten into the U.S. would sometimes meet a “refugee” family member entering from Canada. But guess what? They might not even speak the same language!

As for Peace Arch Park, the agent explained Canadians were formerly allowed to just walk into the park, but now they have to go through the regular crossing.

He didn’t directly mention politics or politicians. After all, he’s a federal employee and has to work for whomever is the commander-in-chief.

However, the agent did say the situation has been worse for four years and that he was hoping for a change. Make of that what you will…


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