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Doug Burgum: “President Trump Can Win This Race Regardless Of Who Is Vice President”

By Tim Hains

Republican North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum speaks to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on “State of the Union” about reports that he is among the top choices for Donald Trump’s potential VP:

KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN: But let me move on, because, as I mentioned, you are one of Donald Trump’s top contenders to be vice president. I have heard from sources that, really, they believe it’s down to you and to Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio. Of course, the caveat, Trump could change his mind.

But when you look at the ticket and we look at vice presidential selections in the past, Joe Biden helped Barack Obama with foreign policy and experience. Mike Pence helped Donald Trump with evangelicals, Kamala Harris, black voters, women voters for President Biden.

What would you bring to a Trump ticket specifically?

DOUG BURGUM: Well, I think we have to just look at the fact that President Trump can win this race regardless of who is vice president. He’s got the luxury of not having to pick someone.

And I think, if we actually look in political history, the last time a vice president will pick actually helped swing an election was when Kennedy picked Lyndon Johnson and Lyndon Johnson helped Kennedy win that race.

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