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Down ballot proves Democrats cheated

Don Surber

The New York Times ran this weekend, “How Democrats Suffered Crushing Down-Ballot Losses Across America.” The story — and that is what all political reporting is, stories — would have you believe that 12 million Americans were so angry with Drumpf that they spent hours in line to vote against him, and then they turned around and voted a straight-ticket Republican ballot.

It is not as if Democrats only wanted President Donald John Trump overthrown, they targeted Republican congressmen and state legislators.
And yet they failed to flip the lesser races where no one really gave a damn. The Democrat House campaign was flush with money, and yet at last count they had lost 10 seats.
But we are supposed to believe there was a magical Biden Landslide that carried only him and nobody else.
The story said, “That dawning truth is evident in the narrower majority that House Democrats will hold in Congress next year, and especially in the blood bath that the party suffered in legislative races in key states around the country, despite directing hundreds of millions of dollars and deploying top party figures like former President Barack Obama to obscure down-ballot elections.
“This year, Democrats targeted a dozen state legislative chambers where Republicans held tenuous majorities, including in Pennsylvania, Texas, Arizona, North Carolina and Minnesota. Their goal was to check the power of Republicans to redraw congressional and legislative districts in 2021, and to curb the rightward drift of policies from abortion to gun safety to voting rights.
“But in all cases, Democrats came up short. None of their targeted legislative chambers flipped, even though Mr. Biden carried many of the districts that down-ballot Democrats did not. It could make it harder for Democrats to retain a House majority in 2022.”
The 2020 Census becomes official next year, which will require re-districting by state legislatures for congressional and legislative seats, as well as lesser offices.
We know what happened.
All the signs point to a Trump Landslide.
Democrats would have you believe Michiganders and Pennsylvanians were so angry with President Donald John Trump that they voted him out — but voted Republicans in down the ballot.
If so, why did Ohio not flip? President Trump carried Ohio by 8 points in 2016, and by 8 points again in 2020.
Biden and company campaigned their hearts out in Florida. President Trump carried it by 3 after carrying it by 1.2 points in 2016.
Not convinced that Democrats stole the election?
Try this.
The Times reported, “In the Phoenix suburb of Chandler, a Republican won a Statehouse seat in 2018.
“This year, outside groups spent $1.3 million trying to unseat the Republican state senator from Chandler, J.D. Mesnard. Although Mr. Biden carried the district, Mr. Mesnard won by an even larger margin than two years ago.”
They spent a million on a $2 seat and wound up proving they cheated Arizonan voters out out their presidential electors.
The U.S. Supreme Court has until a week from Tuesday to fix this theft. We shall see if we still have justice in America.
But we do know who we elected president on November 3rd, and it was not Joe Biden.


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