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It’s Time for Republicans to Give Democrats a Taste of Their Own Medicine

by Stacey Lennox

In the last two years, Democrats have gone too far in countless ways. It is apparent that whatever Marquess of Queensberry Rules the two parties used to observe are no longer in force as far as they are concerned. Some Republicans, like Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas), understand what time it is and use the direct and forceful language required for rhetorical battle. More Congressional Republicans need to get on board, and GOP leadership needs to devise a list of strategic tit-for-tat strategies to bring Democrats back around to institutional norms.

According to economist and professor Mike Moffatt:

In the context of game theory, “tit-for-tat” is a strategy in a repeated game (or a series of similar games). Procedurally, the tit-for-tat strategy is to choose the ‘cooperate’ action in the first round and, in subsequent rounds of play, choose the action that the other player chose in the previous round. This strategy generally results in a situation where cooperation is sustained once it begins, but noncooperative behavior is punished by a lack of cooperation in the next round of play….

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