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Melissa Tate offers an antidote to Critical Race Theory

By  NOQ Report

What does race have to do with it? That’s the question that conservative Christian activist Melissa Tate asks in her new book, Choice Privilege. It’s a direct rebuttal to the concepts of Critical Race Theory and the Cultural Marxism that is engulfing this nation through Black Lives Matter and other leftist organizations.

The spread of Critical Race Theory has become a major problem in America. Its false doctrines are promoted by government, businesses, and schools. Condemning it for the radical leftist indoctrination that it is often yields gaslighting; anyone who opposes the tenets of Critical Race Theory must be racist according to the growing “woke” crowd. This has caused many, particularly on the right, to ignore it or change the subject in fear of being called out for inherent bigotry.

One conservative Christian activist won’t be silent on the subject. Melissa Tate often calls Critical Race Theory out for being the Marxist ideology that it is. She takes heat every time she does but she doesn’t back down. In fact, she’s written a book, a rebuttal if you will, that highlights the realities in America regarding race.

“Choice Privilege: What’s Race Got To Do With It?” challenges the teachings of people like Robin DiAngelo and other Neo-Marxists who paint a picture that the only way to fight racism and segregation is through
 wait for it
 racism and segregation. Their cognitive dissonance is apparent, but far too many Americans refuse to acknowledge that separating people based on the color of their skin is taking steps backwards, not forward to a society in which racial differences are not considerations for success in America.

“My destiny has never been pre-determined by my skin color, more than anything else, it is being shaped by the choices I make daily, good and bad,” she wrote.

This book follows author Melissa Tate’s early life growing up in Africa and eventual migration to the United States. Tate contends that, in America, it is a person’s good choices, not their skin color, that determines the upward trajectory of his or her life. After migrating to the United States at age nineteen for college, her experience in America has been a living contradiction to the false “white privilege” narrative. In spite of being “black in America,” Tate has been able to achieve great success to which she credits to hard work, determination, good choices, and her faith in God.

Her story, like many African immigrants, is at odds with propaganda peddled by the left. She lives a life of privilege as the fruit of hard work, doing things in the right order and prioritizing life in a way that places God first, then family, then her career. Tate discusses the cultural parallels between African culture vs neo-Black American culture as a means to explain the economic disparities seen between African immigrants (who tend to thrive in America) and Black Americans.

The larger neo-Marxist agenda behind critical race theory ideology, as a plot to racially divide and conquer the America from within, is discussed extensively in this book. Tate exposes this dangerous and divisive ideology as a “false religion” that is antithetical to biblical principles and an assault on the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tate offers solutions on how America can overcome this agenda, heal the racial divide, and fulfil its God-given destiny as the beacon of light, freedom, and prosperity in the world.

On the latest episode of NOQ Report, JD had an excellent conversation with Tate about her history and the forces that have driven her to success. Her life contradicts the narratives that come forth from Critical Race Theory which is why she is often the target of the fiercest attacks from the radical left.

If there was an ounce of truth to Critical Race Theory, people like Melissa Tate would be struggling to survive. Instead, she thrives based on hard work and good choices, just as any American can. Her new book is a must read.


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