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Nokia CEO Says Humans To Be Implanted With 6G Chips, Sets Timeframe

By Fakoyejo Olalekan


The Chief Executive Officer of Nokia, Pekka Lundmark, has disclosed smart gadgets will be implanted into human bodies in the next eight years, as technological innovation will evolve into the sixth generation (6G) network.

Lundmark said by 2030 the 6G network will replace the 5G wireless connection which is currently being adopted across the world, and planned for the Nigerian market in the second half of 2022.

He projected 6G, which is currently under development, will make smartphones irrelevant upon completion. Nokia’s chief executive made this known at the World Economic Forum, according to multiple media reports.

His statement comes amid the project of world’s richest man, Elon Musk, which seek to implant chips into the human brain, to create a computer-like visual interface. Currently, a macaque is being used to develop and perfect the chip.



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