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Opinion: US Is So Desperate For Recruits Army Resorts To Using E-Girls For Enlistment. Why I Will Not Join The Military

by Jacob M. Thompson


“The end of the American empire is near,” said former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski.

It’s no secret anymore that the United States is facing a severe military recruiting deficit, and the Armed Forces is desperate to shoehorn new recruits in, but many aren’t biting, none more so than Gen-Zer’s. Now the Army is desperate for recruits and they are using some odd ways to get them.

Some Context

The WinePress has been documenting the U.S. Armed Forces’ recruiting woes, including the continuous softening-up of the different branches of the military.

In October a year ago roughly 20,000 active-duty soldiers across multiple branches were issued a honorable discharge for not receiving mandated Covid-19 vaccinations, and was defended by President Biden at the time. This news also came at a time when the Army had announced that they had their worst recruiting miss in history...


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