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Paranoia, projection, and denormalizing gun ownership

By Cam Edwards

While the gun control lobby is hard at work infringing on our fundamental right to armed self defense through legislation, litigation, and regulation, activists are also playing the long game of trying to denormalize gun ownership and gun owners themselves. With 100-million or so Americans embracing their right to keep and bear arms and more than a million firearms sold each month for the past four years I’d say that’s a Sisyphean task for the anti-gunners, but it make some sense from a tactical perspective. Fewer gun owners means fewer voters who care deeply about protecting their Second Amendment rights, and the fewer of us there are the easier it is for the gun control lobby to enact the kinds of broad restrictions (and ultimately prohibitions) they want to put in place.

A big part of this effort is treating gun owners as if they’re “others”, as opposed to our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. They want to treat us as some foreign tribe to be studied and scrutinized, and Arizona State professor Jennifer Carlson appears to be playing the role of cultural anthropologist in her new book “Merchants of the Right: Gun Sellers and the Crisis of American Democracy”, at least based on the hyperbolic review of her work at The New Republic.

Carlson interviewed some 50 firearm retailers back in 2020 for her book, smack dab in the middle of the biggest surge in gun sales seen in decades. The New Republic’s Jack McCordick seems desperate to cast most of these gun sellers as conspiracy-fueled racists who “furthered a culture of armored individualism, unhinged conspiracism, and extreme partisanship”, expressing skepticism that the 2A community was genuinely pleased to see Americans from all walks of life and political ideology embracing their right to keep and bear arms.

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