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Politifact rates it ‘mostly true’ that the Thin Blue Line flag is actually an Anti-Black Lives Matter flag

The Cultural Marxism present in our country has spread so far and wide within the “fact-checking” industry, they can be woke and have no fear of repercussions.

Politifact is a joke. That’s not new. But just when you think you’ve grown accustomed to their progressive-friendly “fact-checking,” they take their ideology even further to the left while claiming they’re still unbiased. The latest infuriating move: Rating it as “mostly accurate” that the “Thin Blue Line” flag is actually an “Anti-Black Lives Matter” flag.

Why? Because President Trump has the flag in his rally backgrounds regularly. As he should. According to Politifact:

In terms of the Facebook claim, The image and description — that the flag has taken on greater prominence at the Trump rallies in Wisconsin — is on target. And the Thin Blue Line flag has become a prominent part of the pro-police Blue Lives Matter movement — which arose to counter the Black Lives Matter movement.

In one idiotic statement, these “fact checkers” made multiple assumptions that have nothing to do with fact. First and foremost, they’re fact-checking a claim made by a far-left group on Facebook. That alone should give the claim a low likelihood of being “mostly true,” not because of left vs. right but because the extremes on both sides tend to see things as they want to see them.

Second, the Thin Blue Line has been around for many years. To claim that it popped up after the Black Lives Matter movement began is incorrect.

The most important falsehood this “fact-check” claimed is that the Blue Lives Matter movement arose to COUNTER the Black Lives Matter movement. Again, this is factually incorrect. The Blue Lives Matter movement did rise up in response to Black Lives Matter, but not to oppose it. The concept was and always has been to act as a reminder that the lives of law enforcement officers should not be dismissed based on the demands of BLM or any anti-police group. Blue Lives Matter is not a movement claiming superiority in any way. Law enforcement officers simply do not want to be vilified for protecting and serving, something multiple radical leftist groups do in the 21st century.

Conservatives on Twitter were outraged:

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