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Recalled infant formula may have been contaminated by bacteria that cause sepsis, meningitis

By Jacob Burbrink and Nexstar Media Wire

READING, Pa. (WXIN) – An infant formula manufacturer is recalling an entire run of its product due to the possibility of cross-contamination with dangerous bacteria.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said the recall involves ByHeart’s Whole Nutrition Infant Formula. The recall was initiated after a sample conducted by a third-party packager tested positive for Cronobacter sakazakii. However, no product distributed by ByHeart has tested positive for the bacteria.

This bacteria can cause severe, life-threatening infections such as sepsis or meningitis. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that protect the brain and spine.

The FDA says symptoms of sepsis and meningitis may include poor feeding, irritability, temperature changes, jaundice, grunting breaths, and abnormal movements. The infection may also cause bowel damage and spread through the blood to other body parts…

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