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Rescuing Korans in Scandinavia


As we say in Scandinavia, Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. On September 30, 2005, in the wake of news reports about writers and artists who were engaging in self-censorship because Muslims considered their work to be offensive to Islamic sensibilities and in violation of sharia strictures, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten demonstrated its support for freedom of expression by publishing a dozen cartoons of Muhammed.

In reaction, Muslims around the world rioted, resulting in more than 250 deaths, and the ambassadors of several Islamic countries registered irate protests, calling on the Danish government to punish the cartoonists and demanding an emergency meeting with Denmark’s prime minister. In its reply to those ambassadors, the Danish government explained, quite admirably, that it had no authority to restrict Danish citizens’ freedom of expression and totally ignored the demand for a meeting.

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