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RINOs Join Democrats in Congress to Push Climate Hoax

Despite being ridiculed as a “hoax” by President Donald Trump on the campaign trail, liberal Republican members of Congress are quietly working to convert enough GOP lawmakers on the man-made global-warming hypothesis. The goal: To make drastic “climate action” possible. Lobbyists for Big Climate — an alliance that includes billionaire globalists, Big Oil, the mega-banks, and more — expressed optimism that easing Republican opposition could pave the way for “strong” legislation combating the gas humans exhale (CO2). But with Trump withdrawing from the United Nations “Paris Agreement,” it appears that critics of climate alarmism and pseudo-science currently have the upper hand.

In the U.S. Senate, Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.), who was just elected in 2018, is leading the way in pushing the catastrophic global warming message. In recent months, he formed a “Climate Solutions Caucus” with radical “progressive” Democrat Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.). Not surprisngly, both have received major campaign funding from Big Oil including ExxonMobil. “When Chris approached me here a few weeks ago, I was able to do it without reservation,” Senator Braun boasted during a conference call announcing the new, bipartisan “climate solutions” alliance. “I’ve got four children…. I’ve got grandchildren and I think this, more than anything else, has that legacy concept to it.” He said he would be using his position on various subcommittees to push the agenda.

Describing himself as a “life-long conservationist,” Braun said he was “proud” to join with Coons, who has a disastrous 11-percent ranking on The New American’s U.S. Constitution-based Freedom Index. “For too long, Washington has been paralyzed by partisan gamesmanship, unable to have productive conversations about our changing climate,” he said, though in the most recent election he led voters to believe he was a Trump-supporting conservative. “Through this caucus, we can have real conversations about protecting our environment, securing American’s energy future, and protecting American manufacturing jobs.”

Senator Coons, meanwhile, insisted that was working on finding “solutions” to “real problems” that supposedly face America and the world. “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and in order to tackle it, we must act in a bipartisan way,” he said in the announcement. “I’m proud to launch the first Senate Climate Solutions Caucus with Senator Braun to take the politics out of this important issue and lay the foundation for real, meaningful solutions that can be signed into law.” How it would be possible to take politics out of lawmaking was not clear, nor did Coons explain where he believed the Constitution granted any authority for the policies he is promoting.

In a joint piece published in the online publication The Hill, the two climate alarmists provided more details about their new caucus. “We recognize the simple reality that climate policy is too serious to ram through Congress on a partisan basis,” they said, calling on both parties to work together. The alliance aims to bring together an equal number of senators from each party, operating on the “consensus” principle, which means the outfit will only act when all members agree. They said the group will meet regularly and will include “experts from across the political spectrum.”

The publicly stated goals of the new push, which were mercilessly mocked in the publication’s comments section, include a dizzying array of unconstitutional federal policies. Among other ideas, the two senators said they would seek an “energy transition,” presumably a transition to forms of energy backed by their crony donors. Big Oil and oil billionaires such as the Rockefeller dynasty have poured countless millions into “climate” alarmism, as have special interests seeking to bilk the American people through government-mandated and highly unreliable “green” energy schemes such as solar and wind, both of which cost taxpayers a fortune.

Also high on the agenda is the development of federal “economic incentives” to force Americans to slash emissions of CO2, an essential gas known to scientists as the “gas of life.” Of course, true experts, such as physicist Dr. William Happer of Princeton and the U.S. National Security Council, have long warned that the Earth and its vegetation are starving more carbon dioxide. “CO2 will be good for the Earth,” Happer told The New American magazine at a 2016 climate conference in Phoenix, Arizona, that brought together leading scientists and experts in various fields to expose the lies and alarmism. “If you look at geological history, CO2 levels are unusually low right now, it’s very seldom that they’ve been this low.

That is why farmers pump the gas into their greenhouses — plants typically operate best with four to five times the current atmospheric concentrations of CO2, Dr. Happer explained. True experts also know that human emissions of CO2 make up a fraction of one percent of all the greenhouse gases present naturally in the atmosphere. As Happer put it, it is “pretty clear that we’re not going to see dangerous climate change” from humanity’s insignificant CO2 emissions.


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