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Scientists Pumping mRNA Into Cow’s Milk To ‘Force Jab’ the Unvaccinated

By Planet Today

Scientists who pumped mRNA into cow’s milk have announced they have “successfully” immunized mice who fed on the milk, leading to fears that commercial milk is set to be quietly loaded with mRNA in order to vaccinate the unvaccinated population. Researchers found that they could put a small piece of mRNA into tiny packets called exosomes, which are found in milk. They then fed this milk to mice, and the mice absorbed the exosomes in their digestive system. The mRNA must have made it into the mice’s bloodstream and lymphatic tissue because their bodies made antibodies against the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Peter McCollough reports: From a scientific perspective, these experimental steps taken by the Chinese were a stunning success. However, given the damage mRNA vaccines have generated in terms of injuries, disabilities, and deaths, these data raise considerable ethical issues.


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  1. Ventriloquist Kriket Ventriloquist Kriket April 10, 2023

    Never did much like cow’s milk anyway. Grew up on dairy farm before feds shut down small milk producers, same as did tobacco producers, anyway milked cows, kept pipeline milker system and dairy parlor clean, and the milk cooler where we kept cans of schlitz beer cool, right there down in the clean, cold milk.

  2. Ventriloquist Kriket Ventriloquist Kriket April 11, 2023

    My uncle was a crop duster, stood right there in the tobacco patch hoeing tobacco while uncle sprayed DDT. felt it, smelled it, no polio.

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