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SHOCK: A Leading Candidate For City Attorney In Blue Seattle Is A Republican

By  Mike LaChance

One of the most fascinating political races in the country is now taking place in Seattle, Washington.

The deeply blue city is holding an election for city attorney and the leading candidate is a woman named Ann Davison, and she’s a Republican.

How can this be happening in Seattle? Are the people there finally tired of the constant left wing nonsense and crime?

Q13 FOX reports:

Could a Republican win in Seattle? Ann Davison leads in primary

Ann Davison found herself in an unusual position Wednesday morning. Davison, a Republican, woke up with a lead in the race for Seattle City Attorney – unheard of in one of the most progressive places in the country.

It is showing that we can have both compassion and safety when we all come together,” Davison told Q13 News shortly after ballots dropped Tuesday evening. “That’s the main message that I am happy to bring forward and that seems to be what a lot of people want to hear.”

In early returns, Davison led a closely divided race with 34.6% of the vote. Three-term incumbent Pete Holmes trailed with 32.8%, followed by Nicole Thomas-Kennedy with 32.2%.

The top two vote-getters will move ahead to November’s general election.

With candidates separated by such small margins, it is still possible for Davison to be pushed out of contention – especially considering progressives typically perform better in late ballot returns.

Nevertheless, her showing is impressive in a city with zero Republican leadership and reflects an appetite among voters for the Seattle City Attorney’s Office to pursue misdemeanor crimes and repeat offenders more aggressively.

This is amazing.

Is there still hope for the city of Seattle?



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