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‘There Will Be Riots’: Twitter EXPLODES after passing of RBG and a lot of it is, in a word, UGLY


After the news broke that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away, social media exploded. Some of it was good, some of it was neutral, some of it was bad.

Some of it was downright crazy.

Let’s start with Sen. Chuck Schumer, who before even offering a memoriam or condolences, immediately dove into political gamesmanship.

Then there is this lovely thought on a woman’s passing. Read it now before the author gets overwhelmed and deletes it.

She is NOT alone in this madness.

And I don’t even really know WHAT this is:

Or these.

See it’s like I told ya, some were good, some were bad, some were crazy. A lot of tweets are simply foreshadowing or predicting what we all know to be true, that it’s about to get even crazier here in 2020.

The prediction that things are about to get ugly is predominant.

Plus expectations for the next nominee. Think Kavanaugh but more.

There are so many more tweets of every variety and shape, but these really caught my attention as representative.

And if they are any indication, this roller coaster we’re on this year is getting even faster and crazier than we thought it would over the next few weeks.

Here are some tweets in memoriam from familiar folks. Sadly these will probably themselves produce hate replies.


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