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Twitter takes down Clarke Jr.’s coronavirus tweets, won’t remove posts from Chinese official blaming U.S. for the outbreak

Twitter on Monday removed tweets from former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke Jr., in which he downplayed the severity of COVID-19 and urged people to ignore the newly-imposed measures aimed at preventing the spread of the virus.

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Twitter took down some of the tweets, citing violations of its policy against self-harm. It is unclear why the remaining tweets weren’t removed.

What he said: Clarke on Sunday posted a series of tweets in response to the steps the U.S. is taking to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. In one now-deleted tweet, Clarke claimed the closures of bars and restaurants were part of an “orchestrated attempt to destroy CAPITALISM” and called on business to “defy the order.

In another claimed, he wrote that he’s “tired” of the idea that “we have to err on the side of caution” and referred to the COVID-19 as the flu. The third tweet Twitter deleted asked people to “take to the streets.”

The rest of Clarke’s tweets about the coronavirus are still visible on the platform.

Clarke’s response: The former Milwaukee Sheriff blasted Twitter in a statement to The Daily Beast and said he’s moving to another platform.

“I notice that everytime I get on a roll excoriating liberals and their policies, complaints about my Tweets start to pop up. I find it interesting that The Daily Beast can actually get a hold of a live spokesperson at Twitter. I nor anybody else can do that as the totalitarian fascist speech suppression bullies at Twitter cleverly have a system that doesn’t allow anyone to reach a human being during its appeal process. All I get are computer generated responses,” Clarke said.

“My tweets are not for the feint (sic) of heart and that won’t change.”

He also sent a meme that compares him to black-face-wearing actor Al Jolson, the Daily Beast reported, and referred to Clarke as  the “only black life that doesn’t matter.”

“I didn’t complain. Politics is a contact sport. You are going to hit and sometimes you will be hit. Mine aren’t this vile however. People including Twitter officials don’t like my content and I won’t seek their approval,” Clarke said.

His Twitter description currently reads: “I AM LEAVING TWITTER DUE TO THEIR CONSERVATIVE SPEECH CONTROL. TOTALITARIAN BIGOTS,” and suggests he is moving to the social media app Parler.

Meanwhile, Twitter refused to remove a tweet from Lijian Zhao, deputy director of China’s Foreign Ministry Information Department. In a tweet he posted on March 12, Zhao speculated that the U.S. military might have brought the novel coronavirus to China.

Twitter said the post doesn’t violate its policies.

Zhao also claimed that the Centers For Disease Control director Robert Redfield was arrested, which did not happen.


One Comment

  1. John W John W March 22, 2020

    Go sheriff Clarke, go! He tell’s it like it is, and the left hates the truth, because the truth will set you free, and the Left can not ever have that…they want you in bondage and depend on them! How sad that our beautiful Country has been take up by these Commie illiterate fools! More Sheriff Clarke’s are needed to continue the fight to get the truth out to the American Citizen’s who are constantly lied to. Keep going Sheriff Clarke, and all who are just like you to expose the the vermin!

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