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Video: President Trump’s War Room Releases Brutal Message For Biden And Harris


While serving as district attorney in San Francisco and later attorney general of California, vice-presidential pick Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., was once known as a tough on crime prosecutor but later drifted to the left, as she rose through the ranks of the political arena.

Her shift leftward is now front and center as Republicans aim to tag the 2020 Democratic ticket as “radical,” after she was announced as Joe Biden’s running mate on Tuesday, Fox News reports.

Meet Phony Kamala Harris

With Harris as Joe Biden’s ‘political living will,’ he is surrendering control of our nation to the radical mob with promises to raise taxes, cut police funding, kill energy jobs and open our borders. ~ Trump War Room

The clip ended by saying Biden and Harris have “jointly embraced the radical left,” and are “perfect together” but “wrong for America.”

It was no surprise when Biden released who his running mate was, he is the Democratic puppet and doing the bidding of his puppets masters.  The Democrats have put their boot on Biden’s neck as they demanded he pick a black female as his running mate.

President Donald Trump’s re-elected campaign swiftly responded to Biden’s selection of Harris, branding the pair: “Slow Joe and Phony Kamala.”

“Kamala Harris ran for president by rushing to the radical left, embracing Bernie’s plan for socialized medicine, calling for trillions in new taxes, attacking Joe Biden for racist policies,” the Trump campaign said in a video tweeted by President Trump. “They smartly spotted a phony — but not Joe Biden. He’s not that smart,” the ad continues, before adding Biden “is handing over the reins to Kamala” if the two win in November, Breitbart reports.

It is easy to dismiss Biden and Harris but it would be a grave mistake, the Democrats are still forcing mail in ballots and shutting down our nation.  This would give them the cheaters edge to corrupt the vot already corrupted voting system further in their favor.

Chris “Badger” Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.


One Comment

  1. Dennis Habern Dennis Habern August 15, 2020

    There us only two reasons that the Establishment demanded that Slow Joe select Harris, is because Biden is as criminally inclined as

    Black 44 as Harris, and the second reason is, recall how Valerie Jarrett was hired to keep Black 44 in line because he was not intellectually

    adverse to handle a presidential position. Therefore, Harris has been hired to oversee Biden’s failure in mental decisions, but, in reality,

    we patriotic Americans should have to worry to much that Biden and Harris will become the winner’s of the race in November 3, 2020.

    45 has shown what it means to be a non-politician, and a businessman who has been battling these Communist/Democrat turds in

    his over 40 years of business, so, he is well are of what makes these turds, tick.

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