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WHO Accidentally Confirms COVID Is No More Dangerous Than Flu

The World Health Organization (WHO) has suddenly backpedaled on the C19 scam, as the largest lawsuits in history were recently launched by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich of the German Corona [C19] investigative committee. WHO and CDC prognostications on health policies have been wildly wrong and deeply damaging to the economies of many countries. From WHO data, the fraudulent claims about the alleged dangers of C19 was now known to be no more dangerous than the seasonal flu.

Reiner says that WHO officials and other defendants patented fake positive result C19 tests years ago that produced demonstrably false C19 infection rates in the US and many other countries over the past six months. Dr. Fuellmich is joined in the lawsuit by multiple international attorneys who are preparing one of the largest criminal indictment recommendations and one of the largest international civil damages lawsuits in history against the perpetrators (including the WHO, CDC, and many other so-called “officials”) of what Dr. Fuellmich and the other international attorneys are calling the fraudulent claims about the alleged dangers of C19, which from WHO data, was now known to be no more dangerous than the seasonal flu.

WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu




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