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Your Cell Phone Is a Psychotronic Weapon of Mass Mind Control


By Peter A. Kirby

Modern telecommunications usually involves devices that can both send and receive wireless signals. These devices are also almost invariably capable of producing and receiving signals that affect our moods, thoughts, and bodily functions. Your cell phone is a psychotronic weapon. That means that your cell phone CAN read and control and probably IS reading and controlling your mind. People should care more about that than whomever is currently on TV.

Most of the fields of man-made electromagnetic energy we experience on a routine, daily basis are byproducts of modern industry: electrical power grids, telecommunications, and all electrically powered devices produce them. As generally opposed to naturally occurring fields of the Earth’s magnetic energy, man-made fields of electromagnetic energy have been found to be generally bad for Humans. A preponderance of the best evidence suggests that they cause cancer. If this wasn’t bad enough for city dwellers, electromagnetic energy can also be weaponized and may be used against us routinely.

This scholarly article explores the notion that psychotronic weaponry is being used from near and afar to mind control us on a routine, daily basis. This article gives a background to the field of psychotronic weaponry, explores the current state of the art, and provides the author’s accounts of his experiences with weaponized electromagnetic energy.

Evidence suggests that these mind control activities are part of a larger effort the author calls The New Manhattan Project. The author became aware of psychotronic weaponry during the course of his research into this related subject. If you are not familiar with the New Manhattan Project, please refer to the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A new Manhattan Project.

Psychotronic weaponry

Electromagnetic energy can be produced and directed to influence Human moods, thoughts, and bodily functions. Devices that do this are known as ‘psychotronic weaponry’ or ‘psychotronics.’ Psychotronic weaponry utilizes electromagnetic energy frequencies primarily in the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) range (3-30 Hz) because ELF is primarily the frequency range of the electromagnetic energy the Human brain naturally sends and receives. Electromagnetic fields in the Very Low Frequency (VLF / 3-30 kHz) and Super Low Frequency (SLF / 30-300 Hz) ranges can also have psychotronic effects.

Man-made electromagnetic energy (EM) signals produced and applied in the ELF range can be synchronized to Human brain waves so that the brain becomes ‘entrained.’ The targeted individual’s brain waves are firstly scanned to determine the frequency of the EM his or her brain is currently producing. Then, that same frequency produced by the targeted individual’s brain is produced by the psychotronic weapon and directed at the targeted individual. Once the targeted individual’s brain waves have been synchronized with the EM produced by the psychotronic weapon, the frequency produced by the psychotronic weapon is then gradually altered. Due to this synchronization, as the EM produced by the psychotronic weapon is gradually altered to produce any desired effects, the targeted individual’s brain waves will follow. This is the process of brain entrainment which is fundamental to psychotronic weaponry.

Don’t believe me? There is a mountain of supporting evidence. This investigation has found hundreds of pertinent documents readily available. The Navy, the Rand Corporation, NASA, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, the Department of Energy, Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs, and many others have all been doing significant work here. All of those names are involved in the New Manhattan Project. The more general area of study is known as ‘bioelectromagnetics’ and that is the title of the leading scientific journal. If you want to look into it further, a good place to start is the ‘Mind control’ section of the author’s previous article “Other New Manhattan Chemtrail Project Agendas.”

Your author has since uncovered much more. This section provides an overview of the author’s previously published work pertaining to mind control and the New Manhattan Project as well as newly uncovered information. The three earliest scientists presented here all have strong connections to the New Manhattan Project.

Way back in the 1930s Alfred Lee Loomis (1887-1975) was studying and writing about brain waves as he helped to develop the field of electroencephalography; which is the field of brain wave measurement. This is the same Alfred Lee Loomis who made his fortune in the electrical power industry and later went on to help develop technologies capable of bouncing electromagnetic communication signals off the ionosphere; transmitting them over thousands of miles. These facts are significant because America’s electrical power grid produces EM fields in the same frequency range as that of the Human brain and the electrical power industry has incentives such as the generation of hydroelectric power to motivate their interests in a global weather modification endeavor such as the New Manhattan Project. Also, today’s New Manhattan Project chemtrail spray has been found to be coal fly ash. Coal fly ash is a byproduct of the electrical power industry’s coal-fired power plants. As if that wasn’t enough, today’s ionospheric heaters of the New Manhattan Project (with fundamental technologies developed by Loomis) are capable of producing tremendously strong EM signals and fields that can control the weather AND influence our moods, thoughts, and bodily functions. It makes one’s head spin. For more about the enigmatic Mr. Loomis, please refer to the author’s previous article “Chemtrails Exposed: Truly a New Manhattan Project.”


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