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Trump just quietly shattered this record in California…

It took a long while for the state of California to certify the state’s primary results, but as the dust settles it is becoming clear that President Trump has shattered the previous record for GOP primary voter turnout.

While President Trump is very busy working on defeating the Invisible Enemy and working his magic on the economy, he just quietly set a record for voter turnout in California! Yes you read that right, in California! Voter enthusiasm for President Trump is unexpectedly high in the Golden State!

California Primary results from 2000 to 2020:

In the year 2000 George W. Bush won the California GOP Primary with 1,725,162 votes

In the year 2004 George W. Bush won the California GOP Primary with 2,216,047 votes

In the year 2008 John McCain won the California GOP Primary with 1,238,988 votes

In the year 2012 Mitt Romney won the California GOP Primary with 1,530,513 votes

In the year 2016 Donald Trump won the California GOP Primary with 1,665,135 votes

In the year 2020 Donald Trump won the California GOP Primary with 2,241,786 votes

You can see that President Trump overtook the previous record by an impressive 25,000 more votes! And that was amid this year’s health scare and the fact that the state threw out over 100,000 mail-in ballots that it said were invalid! If just a third of those were for Trump then he would have padded his lead even more!

Not only that, but President Trump also garnered more votes than both Bernie or Biden in the California Primary! Wow! Enthusiasm for Trump is high in California! Don’t let anyone tell you different!

This is why the California Democrats are terrified. They know that Bernie supporters don’t like Biden and Biden supporters don’t like Bernie. They are doing everything they can to keep their Liberal coalition from splitting in half. That is why they snubbed Newsom in favor of Bernie supporters to chair the California Democrat delegation in this years convention. They are very scared…and they should be!


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