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26 Videos During The CONvid Shot Era Showing People Collapsing On Live Television Or On Stage (2021-2023)

By  Tim Brown 


Over the past couple of years since the release of the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca bioweapon, fraudulently referred to as a COVID vaccine, countless people have died after taking the shots and millions have been injured.  Sadly, many people either did not hear the warnings about the experimental shot or they refused to believe the dangers the shots presented.  Nevertheless, many people were captured on live television or on stage suffering collapses, heart attacks and strokes, and most of us immediately ask the question:  Did they take the shot.

While I will not claim they all did, I suspect that most did and simply asking that question should be a part of real journalism considering all the facts of how the shot was rolled out, its known side effects and the fact that we warned about this for more than two years now because we knew the side effects.

Here’s a small sample of many who collapsed on live television or on stage from 2021 through the present.  Share it with others and warn them of the dangers if they are considering their first shot or if they are still considering additional shots.  It just may save their life.




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